Just a quick note on the current online Survey on Risk Awareness. For a small firm you should allow about 3 hours uninterrupted to complete this in a considered and careful manner. You could possibly do it in the suggested of 2 hours but you need to make sure that you read the questions properly and that you understand the implications of the answers that you give. There may also be a need to understand some of the terminology.
Once you have answered the question and moved on YOU CANNOT GO BACK AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS and this is one further reason why you need to allocate uninterrupted time.
There will be a follow up email within 48 hours of submitting the survey and you will have 5 days to respond to that . It is important to realise that the survey is not completed and your job is not done until you have responded to that final email.
In terms of the content, the thing does not just cover Risk Awareness as one might think about it. There is an initial section on risk and then there are sections on management ( ends at about 55% of the survey completed followed by controls and then prudential matters. it is a serious full analysis of your firm and is one you MUST take ABSOLUTELY seriously.
If you have seen the first email and treated it as a circular, get it back and respond to it. Check your spam in case you have received it and don't yet know about it. Failure to respond should not be considered an option and failure to receive it to your inbox is not an excuse.
If you need to contact me about the matter then please contact me on david.c.payne1@btinternet.com or by commenting on the blog. Don't forget however that I cannot complete the survey for you.
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